Monday, February 21, 2011

Thank You -Round 1

Howdy folks! We're back with a brief update just to let you know that our first week of fundraising has been successful and we've currently reached up to $360! It's a good start but we're going to need a lot more so reach our goal, so if you haven't donated yet, please do so but even more so spread the word to your friends and family!

For those of you who HAVE donated, here's a BIG THANK YOU from the Pancha Production Staff:

Cheyenne Cameron
Bill Whirity
Elliot Campos
Matthew Hoodhood
J. Van Auken
Sargon Saadi
Violet Esposito
Rick Collier
Liliana Castillo

Thanks to you for getting the ball rolling, you guys are the best!

And there are several funders who have chosen to remain anonymous (including one very generous donation of $100!) If you are one of these and would prefer to be recognized please send us an email at

We will be updating again soon with more information about the upcoming production, so keep your eyes peeled for more Pancha!

-Pancha Production Team

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Hey cowboys and cowgirls, the blogspot is officially up-and-running alongside our donation headquarters at IndieGoGo. Click the link to see more information about the film, the filmmakers and what bonus prizes you can get determining how much you can donate.

Even if you can only donate $5, that's going to add up to be a huge difference for the film. In addition to donating, or if you can't, please spread the word by sending your friends and family the link to our IndieGoGo or Pancha Facebook page.

It's not easy making movies, but with your help we can make this happen. Check back weekly for updates on pre-production and eventually production, as well as a special personal thank you list for each donation received. Thanks again!

-The Pancha Production Team